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Create Custom Objects with Archicad

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▶︎ Format: Self-paced online course
▶︎ Level: foundation
▶︎ Duration: 1 hour
▶︎ Certification Points: 10 points ★

Learn how to create different custom objects with Archicad. The course covers essential topics relevant to library management, searching, importing, and creating library parts in Archicad.

This course is purchasable as part of the BIM Author Program Subscription Plan. Please visit the program using the button below!




Learning Objectives 

In this course, you will learn how manage libraries in Archicad. You will learn how to search for library parts on the portal, import objects created in third-party applications, and create your own library parts and components from scratch.

Target audience 

Users who would like to get familiar with the essential library part workflows in Archicad.

Table of contents 

  • Libraries and Objects
  • Object Types
  • Components in Hierarchical Elements
  • Library Handling
  • Browsing the Library
  • Create Custom Table
  • Create Custom Window
  • Create Custom Door Leaf
  • Create Custom Labels
  • Create Custom Curtain Wall Panel
  • Importing Objects

Recommended Learning 

Users taking this course should have an overall understanding about the basics of navigation in Archicad

Recommended learning:

Software Requirements 

Videos in this course have been created using the International language version of Archicad which means that the work environment and some of the content may be different if you are using a different language version. 

To get the best training experience we recommend you to use latest Archicad version! Download Archicad here! 


Completing the course material, including the quiz with a minimum of 60% achievement and filling out the satisfaction survey, will award you points towards achieving the Archicad BIM User Certification

Access Time Frame 

Enrolling in this course will grant you access to the courses for 180 days starting at the day of enrollment. After the 180 days has passed, you will be deactivated from accessing the course content. 

Have Questions?

Contact us at

Here is the course outline:

1. Welcome

In this module you will see the agenda and the table of contents of the course and learn how you will be able to use the exercise file(s) to follow the course.

2. Introduction to Object and Libraries in Archicad

This module covers different types of library parts available in Archicad. You will learn how to handle Libraries and search for objects inside Archicad.

3. Creating Custom Objects

In this module, you will learn how to create simple custom library parts such as furniture, non-rectangular windows, door leaves, labels, or curtain wall panels.

4. Importing Objects

In this module, you will learn how to search for library parts on the portal and download them directly into your Archicad projects. Also, you will learn how to import RFA or SKP files.

5. Conclusion

Thank you for completing this training! Please fill out the anonymous satisfaction survey so we can continue improving our training materials!

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