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Advanced Documentation Techniques in Archicad

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▶︎ self-paced online course
▶︎ Advanced Level
▶︎ 4 hours
▶︎ 100 ★ Certification Points

Master Archicad's documentation tools to bring your project documentation to life!

This course is purchasable as part of the Learn Archiad! program Subscription Plan. Please visit the program using the button below!




Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, you will:

  • Fully understand the navigator logic
  • Confidently use the Model Filters such as Graphic Overrides and Model View Options
  • Save Views with the right settings for the right purposes
  • Effectively use the Layout Book to create professional documentation drawings
  • Set up Publisher Sets to optimize and automate your documentation delivery processes

Target Audience

This course is for aspiring BIM Authors, who are familiar with Archicad's basic documentation techniques and workflows but would like to take their skills and knowledge to the next level.

Quizzes and Tests

You will have access to a related quiz and practical test upon completing the relevant content, and you will also have the opportunity to retake them before completing the course. To earn points towards your Archicad BIM Author Certification, achieve a minimum score of 60% on both the quizzes and practical tests and complete the satisfaction survey.

Software Requirements

The exercise file in this course have been created using the International language version of Archicad 26 which means that the work environment and some of the content may be different if you are using a different language version. To be able to follow along with the trainer, please make sure to download Archicad 26!

Recommended Learning

We recommend you to complete the following courses in order to be able to actively follow the trainer's presentation and demonstrations in Archicad:

Access Time Frame

You can access the course materials for 365 days, counting from the first login to the course. Within this time, you can access the course's assessments, download the exercise files and handouts or watch the recordings. After this, you will be deactivated from the course and will not be able to access any course materials.


Completing the course material, including the quizzes and assignments with a minimum score of 60% achievement and filling out the satisfaction survey, will award you points towards achieving the Archicad BIM Author Certification and a Certificate of Completion in issues automatically in PDF format.

Developed by

Oncsák Zsolt

Professional Services Consultant, Customer Success, Graphisoft

Zsolt is a Professional Services Consultant at Graphisoft mainly responsible for Graphisoft Learn related training materials. He's a Hungarian architect who's first job as a fresh graduate was a BIM modeler position at a BIM-specialized company. He quickly became very confident with BIM coordination participating in large-scale projects. Besides BIM related workflows he also got experience in architectural and interior design. The architectural mindset is the main driver of his way of creating and delivering trainings.

BIM Author Program

This course is part of Graphisoft's BIM Author Program that offers foundation and advanced level courses and learning paths that help you become a confident Archicad user and a Certified Archicad BIM Author. Learn more about the BIM Author Program here!

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Here is the course outline:


Get familiar with the course outline and the agenda. Download the exercise files and the handout documents to be able to follow the course along with the trainer.

Basic Concepts

In this module, you will delve into the fundamentals of Navigator logic, simple and complex element attributes, and model filters. You will get familiar with all the available model filters in Archicad and their basic purposes.

Creating the Floor Plan

This module focuses on essential project settings that will enhance your project documentation. You will learn how to effectively set up basic project settings, manage Stories, Scales, create and manage Layers and Layer Combinations. Additionally, you will explore Graphic Overrides and learn how to save Views with the right settings for various purposes.

Annotation and Viewpoints

In this module you will learn advanced skills for creating and managing annotations like dimensions, zone and other labels in your Archicad projects. You will also explore how to effectively create sections and annotate them, allowing you to effectively communicate design intent and document your project with precision.


This module provides an in-depth understanding of the publishing process in Archicad. You will learn about creating and managing Master Layouts, setting up Layouts and Drawings, and optimizing the publishing workflow using Publisher Sets. This module will equip you with the essential skills to effectively create and manage professional documentation drawings in Archicad, ensuring efficient and accurate delivery of your project information.

Quiz 1

Finishing the quiz referring to the previously seen content before proceeding to the subsequent modules is advisable.

Additional Documents

This module covers the process of creating site plans using different techniques, including importing and tracing site data, as well as creating and managing site-related elements. You will also learn about detail creation methods, including using 2D drawing tools and model-based detailing techniques in Archicad.

Specialized Documents

This module covers creating different types of documents, such as wall types plan and window schedules, to accurately represent your project in a comprehensive and detailed manner. You will also explore special document types and learn how to create 3D Documents in Archicad to effectively communicate your design intent.

Revision Workflow

This module covers the revision workflow in Archicad including creating revision sets, tracking changes, and creating transmittal sets to facilitate communication and coordination among team members. You will gain practical skills in managing revisions and effectively tracking changes throughout the project lifecycle.

Quiz 2

Finishing the quiz referring to the previously seen content before proceeding to the subsequent modules is advisable.


Thank you for completing this training! Please fill out the anonymous satisfaction survey so we can continue improving our training materials!


The following certificates are awarded when the course is completed:

INT_Certificate of Completion - Online Video Course
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