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Architectural Modeling Techniques in Archicad

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▶︎ Format: self-paced online course
▶︎ Level: advanced
▶︎ Duration: 6 hours
▶︎ Language: English
▶︎ Certification Points: 100 points ★

Take your modeling skills to the next level with this course and learn how you can customize the most important modeling elements to your needs. Have a deeper understanding of what Archicad is capable in terms of modeling and get familiar with more complex modeling tools. See how you can use the various tools to create detailed Building Information Models

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Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, you will:

  • Use advanced modeling tools and functions confidently
  • Customize the settings of most Archicad modeling tools to your needs
  • Use advanced techniques to place and modify model elements
  • Model complex building structures

Target Audience

This course is for aspiring BIM Authors, who are familiar with Archicad's basic modeling tools and techniques but would like to take their skills and knowledge to the next level.

Quizzes and Tests

You will have access to a related quiz and practical test upon completing the relevant content, and you will also have the opportunity to retake them before completing the course. To earn points towards your Archicad BIM Author Certification, achieve a minimum score of 60% on both the quizzes and practical tests and complete the satisfaction survey.

Software Requirements

The exercise file in this course have been created using the International language version of Archicad 26 which means that the work environment and some of the content may be different if you are using a different language version. To be able to follow along with the trainer, please make sure to download Archicad 26!

Recommended Learning

We recommend you to complete the following courses in order to be able to actively follow the trainer's presentation and demonstrations in Archicad:

Access Time Frame

You can access the course materials for 365 days, counting from the first login to the course. Within this time, you can access the course's assessments, download the exercise files and handouts or watch the recordings. After this, you will be deactivated from the course and will not be able to access any course materials.


Completing the course material, including the quizzes and assignments with a minimum score of 60% achievement and filling out the satisfaction survey, will award you points towards achieving the Archicad BIM Author Certification and a Certificate of Completion in issues automatically in PDF format. 


Pelin Haynes

Customer Engagement Program Lead

After graduating as an architect in 2009, Pelin has moved to the UK to get her masters degree. She has been with GRAPHISOFT UK ever since and is a very popular guest speaker in the BIM industry. She is constantly involved in product demos, training courses, product management and client consultations. 

BIM Author Program

This course is part of Graphisoft's BIM Author Program that offers foundation and advanced level courses and learning paths that help you become a confident Archicad user and a Certified Archicad BIM Author. Learn more about the BIM Author Program here!

Have Questions?

Contact us at

Here is the course outline:


Get familiar with the course outline and the agenda. Download the exercise files and the handout documents to be able to follow the course along with the trainer.


This module covers the creation of Slanted and Trapezoid Walls, 2D representations, Wall Ends, and Classifications. It aims to provide learners with a thorough understanding of the tool's capabilities so that they can create favorites and customize Walls.


This module covers techniques for creating and modifying slabs and their 2D representation and Model View Options. By the end of the module, users will have the skills to customize and represent slabs according to their needs.

Building Materials and Priority Based Connections

In the Building Materials module, users learn advanced techniques concerning this topic, such as Priority Based Connections, Layer Intersection Groups, and Junction Orders. These settings are essential for creating precise and detailed building models in Archicad.


This module covers creating and modifying composite structures. It guides users on how to customize the properties of each component within a Composite, such as order, thickness, material type, and fill patterns. By the end of this module, users will be familiar with how to create and modify composites to fit their specific project requirements and adequately represent them in both the 3D model and 2D documentation.

Columns and Beams

The Columns and Beams module covers creating and customizing these elements, including Multi-segmented structures. This module teaches users how to adjust their properties and dimensions and accurately represent them in both 3D and 2D views.

Complex Profile

This module teaches users how to create and customize custom cross-sectional profiles for building elements using the Profile Manager tool. The module covers creating Complex Profiles, using standard steel profiles, and accurate 2D representation.

Quiz 1

Finishing the quiz referring to the previously seen content before proceeding to the subsequent modules is advisable.

Complex Roofs

The Roof module covers the creation and customization of roofs, including Single Plane, Complex, and Mansard Roofs. It also introduces important concepts and terminologies and covers techniques for making holes in Roofs and obtaining different results. By the end of the module, users will have the skills to create and customize a variety of Roof types in Archicad.


This module elaborates on creating and customizing shell elements by experimenting with the different methods available in Archicad. By the end of this module, users will be able to create and modify Shell elements and create favorites.


This module covers Trimming options. Here we investigate the connections that can be established between the elements in Archicad and learn the capabilities of the Trimming Bodies.

Windows, Doors, and Skylights

This module covers inserting and customizing Windows, Doors, and Skylights in Archicad, aiming to make learners understand the typical structure and patterns in the settings of these tools.


In this module, you will learn about the Opening tool's capabilities when creating holes and recesses/niches penetrating diverse model elements. You will learn how to adjust their geometry parameters and additional properties.


This module covers the creation and management of zones within a building model in 2D and 3D. Users will learn to define and customize zones according to specific design features. By the end of the module, users will have the skills to create and manage zones accurately in Archicad.


This module overviews how to find, use and place Objects in Archicad. The module also covers the importation of 3D Objects from external sources and using the Object Library to manage and share Objects within a project.

Quiz 02

Finishing the quiz referring to the previously seen content before proceeding to the subsequent modules is advisable.

Curtain walls

This module explores the Curtain Wall Settings dialog box, the Schem edition, and Edit Mode. Therefore, it covers the customization of several curtain wall elements individually and as a system. By the end of the module, users will have the skills to create and modify Curtain Walls for diverse uses in Archicad.


This module provides information on how to create Stairs with customizable settings. The module also covers the differences between baseline and boundary line modeling and the use of this hierarchical tool for design complex stairs. Additionally, users will learn how to modify stairs in Edit Mode to refine and adjust their designs quickly.


In this module, learn how to use the Railing Tool to create customizable railings with various settings from a pre-defined favorite for optimizing designing workflows with this tool.


This module covers the creation and edition of meshes for topographies and custom geometries in Archicad. Users will learn to use the Mesh Tool to create customizable meshes with various settings, including 2D representation and other properties.

Solid Element Operations

The module covers creating and systematically adapting elements interaction in Archicad using Solid Element Operations. It mentions the different results that can be achieved using the various Solid Element Operations options. By the end of the module, users will have the skills to use Solid Element Operations to create and modify complex geometries.


In this module, we explore the capabilities of the Morph tool in Archicad, using it to create building masses and furniture. Users will learn the main features and limitations of the Morph Tool, and by the end of the module, they will have the skills to discern when and how to use this tool to create and modify complex shapes.

Quiz 3

Finishing the quiz referring to the previously seen content before proceeding to the subsequent modules is advisable.

Complex Modeling Tools - optional self-paced courses

Enroll in these self-paced online courses if you want to learn more about complex modeling tools like Stairs, Railings, Curtain Walls or multi-segmented Beams and Columns.


Thank you for completing this training! Please fill out the anonymous satisfaction survey so we can continue improving our training materials!


The following certificates are awarded when the course is completed:

INT_Certificate of Completion - Online Video Course
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